Sunday, 9 June 2013

Trying out something...........

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Don't  mind me, just experimenting..........

Trying to keep up with the times...........

Have just added the "follow my blog with Bloglovin" icon in my sidebar.

As much as I have been burying my head in the sand and ignoring references on other blogs regarding the upcoming changes on Google re: Followers, I don't want to lose you all my lovely blogging friends, and I understand changes will happen on the 1st July whether I like it or not.

And I don't like it. But I realise I have to do something. So I have, I've added the Bloglovin thingy.

So, if you wouldn't mind, please click on the link in the sidebar and follow me now on Bloglovin so we don't lose track of each other!

No, I don't like it all.

I've resisted Google + so far in my typical dinosaur way, anything to do with CHANGE and COMPUTERS,  I don't like ......and I don't understand the impact on my Picasa photos and I just don't want to know at this moment in time!!!!!

Make it all go away........leave it like it is...........please?

We have a new PC with Windows 8 and I haven't been near it yet....just hangin on to the old style Windows that I'm familiar with on the laptop.......oh dear, gettin old, can't cope with change.....

How are you with all of this? 
Do you have any tips or more information on the impact of these changes?

If you do, please feel free to share!


  1. I must admit if I ever have to upgrade pc, I don't like the look of Windows 8, but it may be a doddle, who knows! I'm already using Bloglovin so already following you via that. Facebook is still the thing that flaws me! x

    1. You're right, it may well be a doddle and like it or not i will have to try it out next week as I have "stuff" to do on it that I can't do on the laptop, so I will let you all know!
      I'm sure there's many out there already using it no problem!
      Thanks for following me already on Bloglovin, I must come over and follow you on it too.
      Facebook I can do.....although to begin with it feels a bit sad until you get some friends....!!Try it!

  2. I'm not great with change either Gill.
    I put the blog lovin thingy on my blog quite a while back and only one person has clicked it but I do have Wordpress email follow thing and most people click it! As you can see I'm well up with technology myself with my references to things and thingys! ;)
    V xxx

    1. Yes I follow you via email so know when you post Vivienne.
      Talking my language with the "things" and "thingys", not forgetting the "thingamijigs"

  3. I don't understand a thing of this all. Do Google friend connect also stop????

    1. Not the best person to answer you Baukje, but I don't think Google Friend is stopping.

      Maybe someone else can answer Baukje?

  4. Hi Gill,

    All this is new to me as well! Can you tell me where I can find some more information! I must admit that you scared me a bit...

    Happy evening!

    Madelief x

    1. Sorry Madelief, didn't mean to scare you!
      I don't know very much at all, only what I've picked up on other people's blogs that say that as from the beginning of July, the follower button will go from Blogger so we will need to follow an alternative way.I think this is what is happening, but I don't know what else will change.
      I think if you've signed up to Google plus then it's OK? You have Google + followers instead? I think its only if you havent changed over, and i havent as i dont know enough about it yet!

  5. I also added 'bloglovin' to my sidebar but only because I felt obliged somehow. I shouldn't worry, it hasn't made a jot of difference to my life, my blog or my readers! I still read the blogs in my blogroll and occasionally find lovely new people because they've left a nice comment for one of my favourite bloggers. Axxx

  6. I haven't added bloglovin yet. Hope you get on well with it. Beautiful flower photos x

  7. I admit, that if my husband wasn't an IT technical expert I would have hurled the blasted thing out of the window years ago LOL

  8. Oh I'm so with you on all these changes & thingies! I'm already following you on Bloglovin too, and slowly I'm grasping Windows 8 (thanks to my very techie hubby!) so hang in there & keep the faith - this too shall become easier somewhere along the line :-)
    Have a lovely week

  9. Ok happy to hear I am not alone in this pc jungle:-)))) I started with google + but still not so clear to me:-)))

  10. I have you on Bloglovin already 'cos I'm not going to miss out on your posts. :) Google + I'm not touching, I don't want anyone messing with my stuff.
    Anne xx

  11. I don't like technology - someone always feels obliged to go and muck it all up in the name of progress. My view if it ain't broke don't try and fix it! I know nothing about Google+ or Bloglovin'. I'm a dinosaur! I'll just have to see what happens on 1st July - I may be blown into cyberspace!

  12. Havn't got a clue about all this new stuff...just hoping i can keep up with it all!
    Thanks for your lovely comment.

    Bellaboo X

  13. I don't know how it will work,Gill!I do ignore all this,what's the difference with Bloglovin and why are we going to loose our followers?...

  14. Oh gosh, I didn't realise they were making changes so soon. Why do they have to mess up a system that works just fine? It seems I shall have to get myself on bloglovin pretty swiftly. Thanks for the info!
    Best wishes.


Thanks for visiting and for taking the time to leave a comment - I love to read them!
Gill x